Binary Options Scam

There are endless binary option agents and brokers , encouraging you to deposit money. None of the Binary Option traders or brokers are based in the United States. It's referred to as investing but it is quite similar to gambling. It is illegal in the United States.

There are numerous reviews and plugs for binary option traders but don't believe everything you see or hear. The reviews and plugs you see may be an effort to line the pockets of the advertiser. Whenever someone clicks on the affiliate link, The poster behind the ad will get paid for every download, click and or deposit made.

Don't expect any issues depositing your money, there are numerous parties waiting for you to deposit. However, cashing your money out may be an problem. Terms and conditions regarding deposit bonuses can stipulate that you must wager several times the amount of your initial deposit before you are rewarded with the bonus or allowed to withdraw money.

Some binary option brokers and companies will reward you with an automatic deposit bonus, this is a way to keep your money in their hands longer and make it more difficult to withdraw your funds. This can be avoided by not taking advantage of any deposit bonuses.

Be careful of companies playing off the name of well known companies or using words that make the company appear more credible than it is. The usage of words like safe, for example. Check out a binary options trading company operating as Safe24Options. They have made an incredible amount of money by taking other peoples money. If you feel like gambling you have better odds heading to Las Vegas.


For more information please visit us at binary options scam.